Here is the sabre of Garrad Baker, I believe this is the given name of William Garrad Baker, one of the founders of the chemical company May and Baker.
Whilst William Garrad Baker, his father (also a William) and his son (only called Garrad) all went by Garrad Baker I believe this to be the second William Garrad Baker, chemist and chemical merchant as the owner due to the respective ages, Garrad the elder would have been in his 70's and the younger would have been in his teens. Garrad Baker was born in 1825 and was a chemist and businessman, working for his father's chemists from a young age and later going on to found a company in 1834 that is responsible for some quite fascinating scientific developments.
The Bakers were a prominent family of Essex and London, hiring many people across their factories in Battersea and Dagenham, founding a football team named after the company that exists to this day and representing the county in the Yeomanry.
This sword is of exceptional quality as would be expected for a presentation sword for a cavalry regiment. The sword was presented to Baker by Col.J.G.Sandeman the commander to the West Essex Yeomanry Cavalry.
The sword can be yours for £550 or best offer.